Environmentally compatible treatment …
… of process and wastewater from the oil and gas industry poses special challenges on the treatment technologies due to the material inventory. Volatile substances such as methane, H2S, benzene, mercury and NORM (= Naturally Occuring Radioactive Material) with fire, explosion or carcinogenic potentials must be kept away from employees, neighbours and the environment. BWS has relevant experience in dealing with the specific inventory of substances from crude oil, natural gas and reservoir water.
We are familiar with the project flow in the oil and gas industry and support you with HAZID and HAZOP studies within the scope of risk management. Whether you need assistance with BImSchG approvals or the consideration of occupational safety and explosion protection requirements: BWS economically combines all individual aspects to a holistic solution.
- Economic feasibility studies (Total Cost of Operation (TCO) analysis)
- Exhaust air systems (adsorptive or catalytic)
- Basic & detail engineering and permission planning (BImschG)
- Cooling water filtration and conditioning
- Treatment of surface, well or city water
- Pilot tests with competent process engineering support
- Demand analyses, feasibility studies
- Chemical-physical wastewater treatment
- Biological wastewater treatment (anaerobic/aerobic)
- Energy generation from wastewater
- Zero liquid discharge (ZLD)
- Plant maintenance
- Consumables service

Ingo Schulte
Sales Oil and Gas
phone: +49 7423 86880 20
What makes us special
- Expertise and process engineering know-how
- Profound knowledge of chemical-physical material behaviour
- Targeted demand analysis
- Assessment of EX protection/ATEX
- HAZID & HAZOP analysis
- BImschG-permitting process
- Safe working on your sites